Ward Ashman
Rebel, Artist, Adventurer, Scientist, Entrepreneur
Growing up during the 60’s in central Ohio, Ward attended college at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and then launched 6 years of adventure travel throughout Europe, N. Africa, the middle east, south and southeast Asia.

His travels took place during the unique era between colonialism and modern travel so he stood out as one of the rare white people seen in many of the places he visited. This profound experience caused him to realize that there weren’t that many white people in the world, and that he was in the minority. Moreover, he experienced extraordinary generosity among the people he met and realized that we are all the same as part of the larger human community – our apparent differences really having little impact. Thus, as a young man, these experiences have had a profound lifelong impact and have shaped him ever since.
Ward is an accomplished musical artist, blessed with a natural musical talent honed through years of piano and guitar lessons. In high school, he joined the Ravens, a well-known Ohio rock band. During that time, he learned how to perform on stage and create music for people to share, dance and celebrate. He continued his musical adventures in college, and during his extensive travels his guitar was always his partner. Ward’s musical quest led to him join the rock band Prophecy, becoming a famous rock star throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
Ward’s subsequent yoga studies in India were also impactful and have shaped his passion for celebrating and building a better world together both as a service and as a solution.
Upon his return, Ward is married, and the father of three grown children and two grandchildren. He became a Ph.D. psychologist, and in the early 90’s founded Trimergence, LLC, a successful management consulting company in the SF Bay Area. The Trimergence system combines his spirit for collaboration, anthropology, and psychology to help individuals, teams, and entire companies collaborate to drive meaningful business success.

Now, Ward is launching the next phase of both his career and the Trimergence mission by combining his talents as an artist, scientist, adventurer, performer and producer to launch the Trust, Gratitude, and Love events. TGL creates an interactive event for attendees to enjoy Ward’s singing and music, and to celebrate the spirit of TGL to create an inspiring, memorable, shared experience of Trust, Gratitude, and Love!